SSC Participants during the June 2019 SSC meeting in Brest, France. Back row, standing from left: Alan Haynie, George Hunt , Samuel Rastrick, Franz Mueter, Benjamin Laurel, Olafur Astthorsson, Ben Fitzhugh, and Ken Drinkwater. Front row, standing from left: Benjamin Planque, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Caroline Bouchard, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott, Naomi Harada, Nicole Misarti, and Irene Alabia.
The SSC forms expert working groups (WGs) to undertake the research and work of ESSAS. It facilitates cross-disciplinary communication/coordination of national ESSAS programs within and between the working groups. It also facilitates/coordinates interactions with other regional programs and working groups of IMBeR (ICED, SIBER, CLIOTOP, CCCC, SO, SPACC, HDWG, CMWG), and with other relevant programs (ASOF, CLIVAR, PICES, ICES, ASIC, etc). The ESSAS SSC also interacts with the IMBeR SSC and its IPO. Meetings are held annually to assess progress toward the synthesis goals and review reports on progress and plans from the various working groups.
Membership includes scientists from participating countries. Those currently represented include: Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Iceland, Japan, Korea, Norway, Russia, and the United States. Working Group chairs are included as ex-officio members. Three ESSAS Co-Chairs are elected from the SSC membership — one from Asia, one from North America, and one from Europe.