ESSAS - Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas

Publications and Reports - ESSAS Reports

Report of the ESSAS 2012 Scientific Steering Committee Meeting

The 2012 annual meeting of the ESSAS Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) was held on Jan 10-11 at the Community Design Center in Hakodate, Japan in conjunction with and directly following the ESSAS 2012 Annual Science Meeting (7-9 January). The meeting was graciously hosted by Yasunori Sakurai, an SSC member and professor at the Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hakodate. It was not possible to arrange a meeting time during 2012, and so it was decided to hold the meeting in early 2013. Ken Drinkwater, ESSAS Co-chair, opened the meeting by welcoming the SSC members and guests. The meeting agenda was adopted as presented and appears in Appendix 2.

Scope of meeting

Report on the 2nd ESSAS Open Science Meeting Comparative Studies of Climate Effects on Polar and Sub-Polar Ecosystems: Progress in Observation and Prediction, Seattle, Washington, USA 22 – 26 May, 2011

Report on the 2nd ESSAS Open Science Meeting

Comparative Studies of Climate Effects on Polar and Sub-Polar Ecosystems: Progress in Observation and Prediction, Seattle, Washington, USA 22 – 26 May, 2011