ESSAS - Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas

Naomi Harada

Dr. Naomi Harada is affiliated with the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo (AORI). She conducts research on past environmental changes in the North Pacific and its adjacent seas (Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea) to understand mechanisms of global climate change and the response of biogeochemical cycles to climate change and variability at millennial, centennial, and decadal time scales using marine and lake sediment cores. She also supervises graduate students.

Her research initially focused on paleoceanography. During graduate studies at Nagoya University, she developed the amino acid chronology based on the optical isomer organic geochemistry, and participated in the 33rd Japan Antarctic Research Expedition. The purpose of her research was to understand the biological pump in the Southern Ocean using sediment trap experiments. She is particularly interested in understanding responses to climate change of marine ecosystems in the Arctic Ocean, where serious sea-ice reduction and ocean acidification are accelerating.  She leads the research project entitled “Catastrophic Reduction of Sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean — Its Impact on Marine Ecosystems in the Polar Region”.

Contact us

For any questions about ESSAS or further information please contact any of the ESSAS Co-chairs

Benjamin Planque
Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Franz Mueter
University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA

Naomi Harada
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Kashiwa, Japan