The Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) program will be organizing a session on ‘’Arctic marine ecosystems in a changing climate’’ and a workshop on the ‘’ Bioenergetics and survival trajectories of Arctic fish in response to environmental stressors’’ as part of the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project (IMBeR) Open Science Conference Future Oceans2: ocean sustainability for the benefit of society: understanding, challenges, and solutions to be held at Le Quartz Congress Centre in Brest, France, June 17-21, 2019.
Please post and circulate this announcement among your networks and we hope to see you in Brest for an exceptional research and networking meeting.
Future Oceans2 provides an opportunity to join world leading researchers to present advances in science from all disciplines that contribute towards ocean sustainability. The event will be an exciting mix of talks (keynote, research, and contributed – up to 10 concurrent sessions each day), posters, workshops, focus groups, world cafés, and other innovative formats to engage delegates. A detailed description of the conference sessions and workshops is now available and Registration and Abstract Submission are now open.